RSIcalc: 改訂版ストレインインデックス (RSI) による上肢反復動作評価
上肢の反復動作による筋骨格系障害リスク評価法であるStrain Indexの改訂版のソフトである。

2023-07-25 ver.0.3
2023-03-27 ver. 0.20
[1] Garg, A., Moore, J.S., Kapellusch, J.M., The Revised Strain Index: An Improved Upper Extremity Exposure Assessment Model, Ergonomics, 60 (7), pp.912-922, 2017, doi:10.1080/00140139.2016.1237678
[2] Garg, A., Moore, J.S., Kapellusch, J.M., The Composite Strain Index (COSI) and Cumulative Strain Index (CUSI): Methodologies for Quantifying Biomechanical Stressors for Complex Tasks and Job Rotation Using the Revised Strain Index, Ergonomics, 60 (8), pp.1033-1041, 2017, doi:10.1080/00140139.2016.1246675
[3] Kapellusch, J.M., Bao, S.S., Malloy, E.J., Thiese, M. S., Merryweather, A. S., Hegmann, K.T., Validation of the Revised Strain Index for Predicting Risk of Incident Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in a Prospective Cohort, Ergonomics, 64:11, pp. 1369-1378, 2021, doi:10.1080/00140139.2021.1940306
[4] Moore, J.S., Garg, A., The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders, American Journal of Industrial Hygiene Association, 56, pp.443-458, 1995
[5] Moore, J.S., Vos, G.A., The strain Index, in “The Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics Methods”, edited by Stanton, N., et al., CRC press LCC, pp.9-1-9-5, 2005.
[6] ACGIHのHALと上肢局所疲労については、それぞれの文献および評価ツール「AET」の説明を参照のこと。